Tuesday, September 29, 2009

miss my “老爷爷”

thank 4 u so much coz u have spend time wit me. eventhough sometime i have some unhappy thing aound me, u still accompany me.. may be u cannot help me in most of the time, but coz of u support and caring i will be strong to face my problem. i wish and i hope u can always at my side.

Sunday, September 20, 2009



what is love mean to all of us ?


一回到家,放下行李冲完凉。我就迫不及待的把仙剑三给赶完了。景天一个外表像流氓的人可是心中确是拥有一颗侠义的心肠。外表嬉皮笑脸却背负着救济苍生的责任。这部戏感动的地方是景天的朋友茂茂和必平为了他们的老大愿意牺牲的精神,试问有多少人能做到呢? 也许就因为世间上缺少了这份精神,所以才会有感动。景天的妹妹龙葵,为了哥哥愿意牺牲自己。等待了哥哥一千年,只为了继续那未完的兄妹情义。可是世间上却还存在着兄弟相残的局面。景天和雪见的感情、白豆腐和紫宣三百年的感情却有始无终。爱一个人是否要放手才能让对方得到幸福。紫宣和白豆腐的放手真得 能让对方过得快乐吗?还是无尽的思念。。。。。。思念就像阴魂不散的围绕着你的心灵。。。。。。。。。也许选择忘记才是最好的方法。

Saturday, September 5, 2009

miss my nephew

miss my 2 naughty nephew. although, they re veri naughty but when i see their smile i will start to forget unhappy thing. their smile will make me smile. i hope them will grow up happily and contribute to the society.